How to Get Your Partner on Your Side
As Team Cambiati, we know a thing or two about how to increase the odds you’ll reach your health and weight goals. A huge predictor of success? The peeps you live, work and play with. The people we spend lots of time with tend to inform our behavior and habits – for better or worse.
A super easy-peasy, no brainer, insider tip? Team up to harness the good kind of peer pressure!
Having a partner in almost anything increases your chances of success. No surprise, right? You give each other those gentle nudges reminding each other of what you had set out to do and what you want to accomplish. Like a running buddy you’ll leave hanging at the track if you don’t show up, or your pooch licking your face to wake you up.
Couples, moms & daughters, friends and co-workers do better together because they’re creating their own team. Someone who cares that they succeed, roots them on from the sidelines and helps them get back on the horse when they feel like throwing in the towel.
Research shows that we gain weight together (ugh!), and especially with friends – so surrounding ourselves with people on the same healthy path as we’re on makes us more successful. Having a partner in crime by your side also creates accountability, like your puppy who won’t let you miss a morning jog because, well, they gotta pee!
When we take a class or program, it’s estimated that we only retain 7-10%, but doing it with someone else increases the takeaway through “shared memory.” Plus it means there will be someone to help you when you say “what was the key ingredient in that killer pumpkin soup?!”
One of the most common things we hear is “I wish my _______ (boyfriend, mom, wife, sister, partner, friend, etc) would do this BUT….”
To help you get them from “Ugh” to “Oh, yeah!” we’ve put together some talking points and rebuttals to common reasons the people we love say they’re not ready to get on the happy and healthy train.
(Bonus: if you’re having trouble self-motivating, you can also use this to have a conversation in the mirror – just make sure no one else is home before you do it, cuckoo bird!)
- Hotter Sex Life We’re not sure if you should save this for the trump card at the end, or just start strong and get them to say yes on the spot. Either way, couples consistently report better sex lives when they do the CambiatiCleanse together. There are a zillion reasons why – but the end result is probably enough, right?
- Losin’ the Booze It’s human nature to fear the unknown – and it can be unchartered territory to give up alcohol for a month. Remind your honey boo boo that it’s only temporary, and saying “yes” to the class doesn’t mean saying “no” forever. It’s only a few weeks! If they’re still freaked out, make a deal that they stop for one week and then see how it goes.
- Food Fears Are they resistant because they think the food will be boring or unsatisfying? Instead of arguing until you’re blue in the face, cook a kickass meal they love and only tell them afterward that it was the type of fare they could be enjoying during their CambiatiCleanse. (Team Cambiati-er Julia recently played this trick very, very successfully on her family with some black bean brownies!)
- Better Energy, Mood & Performance Your energy and mood improve when you’re taking better care of yourself. This makes all of us much more fun to be around, impacting the people we spend our time with. Doing our class together means you’ll be sharing this wonderful experience, being each other’s cheerleaders and strengthening your bond.
- Free ConsultationIf you’re getting nowhere with them, or just want to try a new tactic, see if they’d be open to a free consultation with us (no strings attached!).
Bottom line? If you want to get (and stay) successful long-term, you’ve got to link up with a buddy to help you stay on track. No sig-o? No problem-o! Your roommate, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker or go-to partner in crime would also work – anyone with whom you share mutual goals to live healthier and feel better. We’ll guide you through the rest!
Pick up the phone and schedule a free Nutrition Mentoring session today at (925) 280-4442. This is a free session good for those who have not worked one-on-one with a CambiatiCoach or done a breakthrough session previously. You will love it!
Find out if working with us is the right step for you.
We think you need to get to know us and we want to know all about you! Before you commit to anything a nutritionist will get to know you in a private session.
We will work to uncover the hidden reasons for your struggles and will create a plan to solve them.
Let’s get you feeling better ASAP! Book your breakthrough session now.